Glenelg North Community Garden

Where is it
Glenelg North Community Garden is located at the rear of the Glenelg North Community Centre, corner of Kibby Avenue and Alison Street, Glenelg

The Glenelg North Community Garden Swap and Share

The Glenelg North Community Garden Swap and Share is held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month and every Thursday in conjunction with the Organic Market. It is at the garden and the Organic Market, corner of Kibby Ave and Alison St. Leave your stuff after 11:00 and swap at 11:30 – 12:00. Stay for a chat. All welcome.

There is a wide variety of different items brought for sharing. Bring along your chat and whatever surplus produce you have to hand. Cakes, Plants and fruit are popular.
No money may change hands. It is not barter, it is giving and receiving and if you have nothing this week, that’s ok too.
The Swap and Share is either by the Community Garden Shed or at an Organic Market stall.

Community, sustainability, and food!
We meet on the second Monday of the month at 7pm at the Community Centre. Drop in anytime.
When do we Garden?
Members and the public meet on the 1st, 3rd, 4th Wednesdays of the month and also on the 2nd Saturday and 4th Sunday of the month. But check by contacting our Contacts.
Conditions of Membership in GNCG

The Glenelg North Community Garden is managed by Brighton Community Eco Garden Incorporated

The intention is to build a Community Garden which will incorporate the elements of
Education in: heritage, promotion of sustainability, community resilience and organic horticulture.
As well as : Community access and positive discrimination for the disadvantaged.

Members will enjoy the benefits of garden facilities, learning and workshops, club organisation and social gatherings, insurance, water and tools.

There are a number of conditions all users of the garden agree to as members whether plot holders or non-plot holders.

1. agree to support the Community Garden objectives and will attend at least one Management Committee meeting in each 6-month lease period.

2. understand that this garden follows organic gardening principles. Members agree to garden organically; that is, not to use any chemical pesticides, fungicides or fertilisers (powders, sprays, liquids or granules) not certified for organic use by a recognised certifier such as BFA, OFA in the Garden.
(Note: in the possible event of fruit fly infestation etc, the garden is subject to government regulations)

3. members pay a fee to Brighton Community Eco Garden Inc, in advance for a 6-monthly period. Non-refundable. It is intended that no one will be excluded from membership because of financial reasons.
Community Garden Membership Fee: $10

4. the produce from all the fruiting trees in the garden is the property of, and under the control of garden management. Members will pick only moderate quantities from the community trees and plants for personal use. Notices will be placed on the noticeboard regarding harvesting and sharing of fruit

5. members attend at least one (1) community day (joint project working bee day) every two (2) months unless they have come to an agreement with the Management Committee to take on “another particular task in that period”. Please consider “another particular task or regular responsibility”.
